About Me
In Short…
Hi, I’m Nish.
I’m based in London and work for a financial services firm in the City, but in my spare time I pursue my passions as a writer and host of The Cusper Club podcast.
The Life Story:
I was born in India and moved to England when I was still in primary school. During my childhood, I moved home often due to my parents’ work, and so I lived in towns across England and Wales. Our family eventually settled in Birmingham to give the children stability, which I rewarded by promptly moving to Edinburgh, and then Melbourne, to study.
My academic background was in Economics, but I spent most of my time as a student studying Mandarin Chinese and skipping lectures to participate in competitive debating. Eventually, I was ranked as one of the world’s top fifteen speakers and appointed Chair of the World Universities Debating Council.
Like most graduates, I quickly learned that my interests were admirable enough in the abstract but unable to pay for me to have nice things: and that’s why I live in London now.
The Work:
My writing encompasses novels, playscripts, flash fiction and poetry, as well as the occasional essay. Many of my works have won or been acknowledged at writing competitions.
When I write, I am drawn to what I think of as the ‘remarkable unremarkable’: the ways in which ordinary people’s lives are filled with moments of profundity. Recurring themes include race, sexuality, and the cynicism of young people in modern society. I generally try to write from a place of dark comedy, and with a voice that reflects the young people I observe.
You can read a selection of my work here. I am currently making edits to my first novel, Little Blasphemies, an excerpt of which won The Book Edit Writers’ Prize 2021.
The Podcast:
Alongside my friend Hannah, I co-host the Cusper Club podcast, which is about the experiences of young people ‘on the cusp’ between being a millennial and Gen Z. It examines social issues, in it, we discuss the latest in culture, relationships, music, literature and more.
I’m currently working on a new series for the podcast focused on the experiences of third culture kids and millennials grappling with the idea of place in a globalised world
Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me: if you’d like to contact me about my work, please get in touch.