Writer, Podcaster, Essayist, Mess.

Nish is a London-based writer and graduate of the Universities of Edinburgh and Melbourne.

His writing encompasses poetry, essays about economics, flash fiction, and short stories.

He is currently working on his first novel, Little Blasphemies, an excerpt of which won The Book Edit Writers’ Prize 2021.

His friends describe his fiction as being about ‘depressed people taking drugs and being gay.’

Eli Baker was depressed, and his solution was to have sex with as many strange men as he could find. Following this line of logic, he found himself in a large bedroom in Leith, playing someone else’s guitar, wearing nothing but his black boxer briefs, and taking huffs from a pipe filled with crystal meth.

It was an otherwise uneventful Tuesday.

— Excerpt from Little Blasphemies

The Cusper Club

Nish is co-host of The Cusper Club, a podcast about the experiences of young people ‘on the cusp’ between being a millennial and Gen Z. In it, he and his co-host Hannah Goldsmith discuss the latest in culture, relationships, music, literature and more.

Listen to the latest episode below: